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Texas Kayak Fisher Blog


Filtering by Tag: Rage Tail Space Monkey

My Top Five Bass Lures

Clint Taylor

Fishing for Largemouth Bass can be extremely fun and entertaining. Picking what lures to use can be frustrating though due to the vast amount of choices to select from. I have narrowed down five of my favorite bass lures to help you save some time and catch some big bass.

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The Spring Arrival

Clint Taylor

Finally, we have had some decent temperatures to go fishing! Since the weather started to get a little bit better, I decided to go ahead and start to stock up on what I would need for the first outing of the season, and hopefully I'll get to test it out this week too. The good news is that I have quite a bit of tackle that can be salvaged from last year and will only have to get some new line and a few lures. Here is my new tackle to start off the 2015 fishing season.

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